Future Ready

Future Ready focuses on high-impact trends which at this time may seem beyond the horizon, but will soon become very relevant strategy considerations. An example is climate change.

Oliver has developed a deep understanding of a wide range of trends and is working with stakeholders to identify which are most relevant to their region, industry, or business. From this understanding effective strategies can be developed to capture opportunities and mitigate adverse impacts.

Future of Choice

Preparing communities for future decades of unprecedented climate and population dynamics, through education and tool kits to navigate this opportunity.

Digital Opportunity Assessment

Reduce risk and increase resilience with a better understanding of potential scenarios that could impact your community or organization.

Explore our solutions.

Futures of Choice

Futures of Choice is an emerging initiative with the goal to increase awareness of and preparedness for the impacts of climate change on Great Lakes Communities.  

The primary premise of the work is that the Great Lakes are among the few regions in the world which - while they will experience their own challenges - could find themselves benefit by becoming climate migration destinations.

There are many questions to be answered in this context: What is the vision a community has for itself and how does growth/inbound migration fit into that vision? How can a community attract inbound migration? What would it take to absorb growth and when does it become a challenge? What are the implications for long-term planning of infrastructure, educational resources, etc.?

Futures of Choice does not come with ready-made answers to these questions but instead aims to work with communities to develop a toolkit to address these issues and create the basis for capturing potential benefits.

Unique Attributes of Futures of Choice

  • We are connecting the dots between climate change impacts and human migration in a way that brings diverse stakeholders to the table.
  • We are assembling an amazing team of resources and mentors to inform and guide our work.
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Scenario-Based Planning

During times of great uncertainty (e.g., Pandemic, Global Supply Chain Disruptions, Accelerating Climate Change Impacts, War) or accelerating pace of change (Digital Transformation), traditional strategic planning tools remain relevant, but may not be sufficient to fully prepare an organization of potentially diverging pathways.

Benefits of Scenario-Based Planning

  • Leverages the “best available” intelligence on relevant future trends to increase awareness about potential disruptions.
  • Fosters dialogue in the organization about critical dimensions of uncertainty and the formulation of scenarios requiring preparation.
  • Increases the ability of the organization to detect “fork-in-the-road” signals and hence accelerates preparation efforts, creating a competitive advantage.

Designing a scenario-based planning approach is highly customized to the ecosystem, organizational dynamics, and preferred mode of planning (stealth vs. open).

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Contact us today to start your journey into the future.

If you are a company or organization that is looking for help with strategically positioning yourself, Advancing Digital can provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.


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We live in a world the is posing an abundance of challenges and we need visionary thinkers and leaders to help us address them. What Oliver has done with Advancing AI Wisconsin is an example of rising to the task and his vision paper on the “Digital Transformation of Wisconsin” is likely the most integrated and comprehensive evaluation of the current state and the opportunities we can pursue. It is a pleasure and an honor to be working with him on shaping the future of Wisconsin.

Paul Linzmeyer
Chairman of the Board, The Farmory
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Picture of client.

I have been in technology and analytics throughout my entire career and spent the last decade specializing in AI. Oliver’s ability - as a non-technologist - to grasp the key concepts and make them easy to understand is remarkable. I had the opportunity to teach his seminar “Understanding AI Like Never Before” and the ability to connect with the audience and see the “lights go on” was simply amazing.

Doug Barton
Director, UW E-Business Consortium
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