About Us

Advancing Digital

Advancing Digital provides strategic thought leadership, digital transformation consulting and "future ready" foresight services. These services are geared towards helping public and private stakeholders cost-effectively create feasible transformation pathways towards success.

Oliver Buechse, Owner

Oliver is a strategic thought leader with over 25 years of experience.

He is available to work with your organization on very flexible terms to help you understand external dynamics, create and execute effective planning processes, and engage your team and other relevant stakeholders along the way. All services are provided personally by Oliver, there is no delegation to junior team members. If additional expertise is required, Oliver has access to an extensive network of strategists, technology specialists, and industry experts.

Oliver has been a featured keynote speaker throughout the state of Wisconsin on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and other disruptive trends.

If you're interested in learning more about how Oliver can help you navigate your organization into the future, contact him today!

Contact us today to start your journey into the future.

If you are a company or organization that is looking for help with strategically positioning yourself, Advancing Digital can provide you with the tools and resources you need to succeed.


Picture of client.

We live in a world the is posing an abundance of challenges and we need visionary thinkers and leaders to help us address them. What Oliver has done with Advancing AI Wisconsin is an example of rising to the task and his vision paper on the “Digital Transformation of Wisconsin” is likely the most integrated and comprehensive evaluation of the current state and the opportunities we can pursue. It is a pleasure and an honor to be working with him on shaping the future of Wisconsin.

Paul Linzmeyer
Chairman of the Board, The Farmory
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Picture of client.

I have been in technology and analytics throughout my entire career and spent the last decade specializing in AI. Oliver’s ability - as a non-technologist - to grasp the key concepts and make them easy to understand is remarkable. I had the opportunity to teach his seminar “Understanding AI Like Never Before” and the ability to connect with the audience and see the “lights go on” was simply amazing.

Doug Barton
Director, UW E-Business Consortium
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